Is Chicago headed for trouble? If you believe that a particular bat-winged monster is the harbinger of doom, then – maybe yes.
In the latter days of 2017 the Mothman, the ambiguous ne’er-do-well of West Virginian crypto-critter fame, was alleged to have been seen flying about Chicago on 55 separate occasions.
But is it Mothman? According to VICE, accounts of the creature vary in description from “a large, black, bat-like being with glowing red eyes” — which sounds very mothman-like — to something more akin to “a big owl” or “Gothic gargoyle” – which could just be those things (maybe not the gargoyle though. that’s an entirely different topic for another day).
The being has been spotted flying about the city’s skyline, peeping through windows like a perv, crashing onto cars, as well as swooping down and menacing bystanders on the street. Which also sounds very Mothman-esque.
It also sounds like something a shitty teenager that’s just discovered her latent mutant flying abilities would do. I digress

Mothman has become disillusioned by the rampant commercialism in the Chicago urban art scene.
It should be noted that many people throughout the world believe Mothman is an indicator of impending calamity. Claims have been made that the Mothman has been seen before multiple large scale accidents other than the Silver Bridge collapse that garnered his initial infamy. Case in point, what’s come to be known as the Black Bird of Chernobyl is thought by some to actually be the mothman who appeared prior to the 1986 nuclear accident. (of course that claim is disputed).
So should Chicago gird itself for impending doom? Well, it’s better safe than sorry.